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French – Dr. Bojmehrani

French - Dr.Bojmehrani

  • Special methods for teaching mathematics, research, and computer programming/ coding
  • Learning strategy and continue education advisor

Professional Qualification:

20 years’ experience in teaching and tutoring French, Mathematics, Physics, Biology, and Coding/Programming from age 9 to university level.

Education Background:

2020-Present University of Toronto Master of Health Science 

2009-2013  Laval University Experimental Medicine PhD 

Working Experience:

2020-Present French Instructor at Q-Learning Institute

2016-2019 TA for Biology and Organic Chemistry by reviewing concepts, explaining different mechanisms through several metaphors, YouTube videos, and organic chemistry model kit

2008-2010 French tutor for new immigrants

2006-2008 Tutor for grade 12 Biology-Microbiology, Organic Chemistry, General Chemistry

Job Performance and Awards:

2020 University of Toronto, Entrance Award 

2014 The American Respiratory Care Journal, Best paper Published

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