What will students learn?
The main purpose of learning a language is communication. Communication is a social act. In order to learn French, therefore, students need to see themselves as social actors communicating for real purposes. To reach their potential, students need to hear, see, use, and reuse French in meaningful yet developmentally appropriate contexts.
One of the key terms in second-language learning is “comprehensible input”. by ensuring that the messages that students receive are understandable. Making the input relevant – to the learner, the context, the situation – is one way of doing this. Repetition and recycling are also making input comprehensible. Effective comprehensible input must be slightly challenging in order to provide the scaffolding students need to be able to begin “producing” – that is, speaking and writing – French in an authentic way. Students also need to use and negotiate the input they receive by conversing in authentic situations.
Interaction in French is essential in this curriculum. Teacher encourages students to develop their intercultural awareness by exploring diverse cultures and expanding their ability to differentiate between personal, cultural, and universal behaviours, traditions, and beliefs. Learners of a second language are engaged in critical and creative thinking on a daily basis. Teacher helps students monitor their learning and use of French, set goals, and identify their own strengths and areas in need of improvement.
Sample curriculum for grade 7-8:
Overall and specific expectations in listening, speaking, reading and writing:
1. Students determine meaning in a variety of oral French texts, using appropriate listening strategies such as review relevant vocabulary, expressions, and idioms to prepare for listening to an oral text; ask questions to make connections to the ideas heard; reinforce comprehension. Students identify contrasting points of view during a discussion to learn new information and make inferences about messages heard. Students demonstrate an understanding of the intent and meaning of various oral French texts. Students ask relevant questions to make connections and extend a discussion identify and use interactive listening strategies. They indicate interest and engagement in a conversation. Students interpret messages accurately while interacting in French for a variety of purposes. In their listening, students demonstrate an understanding of information in oral French texts about aspects of culture in French-speaking communities.
2. Students communicate information and ideas orally in French and use a variety of speaking strategies and age- and grade-appropriate language suited to the purpose and audience. Students participate in spoken interactions in French in their spoken communications and they demonstrate an awareness of aspects of culture in diverse French-speaking communities.
3. Students determine meaning in a variety of French texts, using a range of reading comprehension strategies (e.g. identify the main idea and important details; use visualization and comparisons with images to clarify the message; clarify details of characters, scenes, or concepts; make inferences from visual elements). They identify the purpose(s) and characteristics of a variety of adapted and authentic text forms, including fictional, informational, graphic, and media forms; They summarize key points of the texts. In reading, students communicate about aspects of culture in diverse French-speaking communities
4. Students write in French in a variety of forms and for a variety of purposes and audiences, using knowledge of vocabulary, language conventions, and stylistic elements to communicate clearly and effectively (i.e., declarative, imperative, interrogative, exclamatory). Students use the stages of the writing process – including pre-writing, producing drafts, revising, editing, and publishing – to develop and organize content, clarify ideas and expression, correct errors, and present their written work effectively (e.g. generate, develop, focus, and organize ideas for writing; rank ideas in order of importance or significance; to improve its content, clarity, and interest, using a range of strategies such as use a checklist when revising drafts; communicate their meaning clearly, using parts of speech appropriately and following conventions for correct spelling, word order, and punctuation; participate in a student-teacher writing conference; communicate their meaning clearly, in their written work, communicate information about French speaking communities in France, their contributions to ‘’la francophonie’’ and the world, and make connections to personal experiences and their own and other communities
Instructors for this course
Mr. Denis: (OCT) Ontario Certified Teacher French First Language; Designed and developed the Ontario Curriculum – Ontario Ministry of Education; Specialist Certification French First Language; Primary and Intermediate Specialist Certification.
Ms. Dayam: (OCT) Ontario Certified English, French, Science Teacher; Public School Teacher.
Ms. Danielle: (OCT) Ontario Certified Teacher; Certified French Teacher; Fluent in English, French, Spanish