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21-22 Academic Year-Tutoring&Credit Courses Outline

Fall Semester: September 11, 2021 (Saturday) to January 28, 2022 (Friday). Spring Semester: February 05, 2022 (Saturday) to June 30, 2022 (Thursday)
17 weeks in each semester, and 34 weeks in total for the whole academic year

Q-Learning Institute 2021-2022 Fall Semester Classes Registration Guide


  1. Teaching Method

According to students’ feedback, except for the written responses of two families and oral replies of three families, who would like to have in class teaching, all the other parents did not provide any comments on preferred method of teaching. Therefore, Q-Learning Institute decides to continue with online teaching method for the new school year. In class teaching will take place in spring semester, and there will be two ways of teaching, including both offline and online by then. There is a limit of 8 students each class for online learning and 15 students each class for in class learning.


  1. School Year Calendar

September 11, 2021 (Saturday) to January 28, 2022 (Friday) is the fall semester. February 05, 2022 (Saturday) to June 30, 2022 (Thursday) is the spring semester. 17 weeks in each semester, and 34 weeks in total for the whole academic year.


  1. Subjects Offered

Olympic Math, Chinese, Art, Pinyin & Typing, English Writing, English Public Speaking, Debate, DECA Competition;

Math, Physics, Chemistry, Chess Competition, French Writing, French Speaking, AP Math, AP Physics, AP Chemistry, IB math, IB Physics, IB Chemistry;

Piano, IELTS, SSAT, HSK Test, Computer Programming, SAT, ESL and all credit courses.


  1. Fee Structure and Promotion (Effective August 7, 2021)
  2. A) All courses of Mr. Hull, Olympic Math for Grades 1-7 of Ping Li, and all courses for Grades 9-12 are discounted from $1,020 per academic year to $900. $500 per semester if paid by semester;
  3. B) Chinese class is 85 hours in a school year, full price is $1,680, and the promotional price is $1,280;
  4. C) Each level of HSK test class, Pinyin & Typing (including word basics) and Computer Programming contains 18 hours. Full price is $450, and the promotional price is $405;
  5. D) IELTS has 110 hours/session, $3,980, passing guaranteed; ESL 40 hours/level, $1,100/session;
  6. E) SAT 60-110 hours, $3000-4800; SSAT 45 hours/session, $2800 per session.
  7. F) Except for items A-E, the fees for the rest of the subjects will be discounted from $1,020 to $900 for the whole school year, regardless of the level of the class. The fee is $500 per semester if paid by semester;
  8. G) There is an additional discount of $100 per academic year if a family register for 5 subjects, and an additional discount of $60 if a single student registers for 3 subjects. The additional discount is halved if the fees are paid by semester;
  9. H) Chinese textbooks are developed by Q-Learning Institute. Textbook fee is $40 per academic year. There is no additional material fee for all other subjects.
  1. Incentive Policy
  2. A) Each family will get $20 reward if 3 families (no matter new or existing students) pay together;
  3. B) Log in to the job searching website of Qijia Group, jiajiale.ca , and you will get a reward of $1-$100. For details, please refer to the reward policy and cash withdrawal instruction on the website;
  4. C) Share this registration information on Wechat, get 30 points by collecting 10 likes. Get 50 points by collecting 15 likes. Get 100 points by collecting 20+ likes. The points will be used to deduct registration fees;
  5. D) Get $10 reward for every 10 student volunteers registered on jiajiale.ca ;
  6. E) During the promotional period, existing students will get $30-$50 reward by introducing new students. Both existing students and new students will get $30-$50 reward after the promotional period;
  7. F) Students enroll in our private high school will be rewarded $150 for credit courses. In the mean time, they are also eligible for all above promotions.


  1. Special Notice
  2. A) The student assessment system will be restored in the new school year. The annual honoring ceremony will be held at the end of the school year to recognize outstanding students, outstanding parents, and outstanding instructors;
  3. B) Starting from September 1, Q-Learning Institute will carry out student birthday celebrations. The list of those who will have their birthdays next month will be announced at the end of the current month. If the student is willing to celebrate his/her birthday together with others, the administration team of Qijia Group will organize the event by inviting students, parents and teachers. Q-Learning Institute will be responsible for the birthday gift of the student. Otherwise, Q-Learning Institute will mail the birthday gift to the student’s home to celebrate his/her birthday;
  4. C) Q-Learning Institute plans to recruit teachers of Olympic Math, Secondary School Math, Art, English writing, French, IELTS, etc. in August. Parents are welcomed to refer experienced teachers to participate in the recruiting competition. 5-9 parent representatives will vote and result will be announced on the spot.
  1. School Year Holidays
  2. A) Labour Day-SEP06, Holidays: AUG28-SEP10;
  3. B) Thanks Giving-OCT11, Holidays: OCT09-OCT15;
  4. C) Christmas and New Year, Holidays: DEC20-JAN02;
  5. D) Lunar New Year, Holidays: JAN29-FEB04;
  6. E) Family Day-FEB21, Holidays: FEB19-FEB25;
  7. F) March Break, Holidays: MAR14-MAR20;
  8. G) Easter-APR18, Holidays: APR15-APR21;
  9. H) Victoria Day, Holidays: MAY21-MAY27.
  1. Payment Method
  2. A) Pay cash at the office. If you pay cash for more than $500, in addition to the above-mentioned promotion and rewards, you will get an additional 1% cash back, which will be cashed out on the spot.
  3. B) E_THANSFER. There is no additional rewards. ET email: [email protected] or [email protected].
  1. Registration Hotline

Tel:416-332-2088;905-282-9889(English);905-625-6078(Qijia Group English)

Email:[email protected]

Website:www.qlsy.ca ; www.qijiagroup.ca ; www.jiajiale.ca

Office Hours:Mon.to Fri.8:00am–6:30pm, Sat. 9:00–4:30pm





Q-Learning Institute

June 23, 2021



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